Thursday, February 9, 2012

78 - White Pelican In Water

Another ACEO on canvas paper. I love painting these little ones, but man I really, really dislike trying to photograph them!

I posed a question in wetcanvas today, I'm not sure where you are suppose to sign and ACEO. My signature normally takes up a bit more room them I would like it to on an ACEO.

Although I've painted a couple of water scenes, I've not paited anything needing a reflection before so that was new (and challenging).

When I decided a few weeks ago that I would like to (for now anyway) specialize in animals (and maybe so florals) I think it was the right decision for me. When I wake up I am thinking of painting, and when I go to sleep I think of painting, and they are all pleasant thoughts. Much better than when I am frustratingly trying to get a persons portrait just right and they change their mind about what they want 6 times. Yup, think I like animals better than people. :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

77- Mini Wolf

I am loving painting ACEOs. They are so much fun to see how much detail I can get into how small of an area. LOVE IT. Now photographing it, that is a different story. I am awful and photography anyway, but something this small (2.5"x3.5") I am down right pittiful.

I like the painting though. Oil on canvas paper

And just so you can see the size with comparison...