Friday, February 3, 2012

76- Three Ladies In White

I know, 2 paintings and 3 posts in one day! Wow huh?

Well it is a day for sure. Some times I just feel it and today is one of those days, so I am feeling very blessed today!

This one is large, 22"x28" It is not my usual style, but I was practicing for a class I'm going to teach this spring. I like the way it turned out. Plus I'm a big fan of painter/instructor Wilson Bickford, and he just commented that he likes it! Yeah!

75- A Single One

I reworked and reworked the painting...I thought it was good, but just wasnt quite happy with it... So today...I got it and I love it...

Its 12"x16" Oil On canvas

I was accepted! :)

A couple of weeks ago I applied to the Indiana Wildlife Artists. A few days later I recieved an email informing me they had recieved my information and it would be shown to the committee and I would be informed in the next couple of weeks weather they accepted me or not.

Well, I kept checking my email, and checking, and nothing. I dont check my snail mail all that often. I just dont. I should have because when I checked it yesturday, along with several days worth of mail, was an exceptance letter. :)

The formalites still need to be done, like filling out a form, mailing the form and a check (membership dues), but, I was accepted. This is the first I had to be jurried into, so I am pretty happy right now... :)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

74 - Flamingo

Tiny. This one is tiny. It is a Artist trading card size which is 2.5"x3.5". Tiny. I like it. I like painting animals...and I like painting small. So much more than I like painting people. LOL probably because I like animals more than I like people. :)

and this one is for size reference...

73 - Lily Of The Valley

Oil on canvas board, the smallest painting I've completed so far at 4" x 5". I really enjoyed it. A LOT. So I've started some more small ones.

I really wish I could take better photos. It looks so much better in person.