Saturday, September 4, 2010

51 - Windy Day or Vertigo

I have narrowed the name of this one down to either Windy Day or Vertigo.. still not quite sure. Someone also suggested Surfs up and I kind of like that too. Don't know..hmmm.. I don't know

Anyway, Yesturday's painting is one taken from a book but I didn't like part of the refernce so I changed it. The top part (the part looking down which is actually at the bottom of the painting, I painted totally different than the reference picture. The rocks just appeared as did the grass and the log. They were suppose to be there I guess. I like them.

It is once again on 140lb 9" x 12" paper. From that size I'm sure you can guess how small the fishermen are in real life (so tiny).

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

50 - Half Way There

Number 50! After two years I am finally half way there. I am deffinately not what you would call a prolific painter. There are many artists who paint a painting a day, but I can not do that. Although, since I've been using watercolors, I have been producing more finished paintings. I think that is partially because they dry so quickly, you can then work on them again more quickly. And partially because of the nature of watercolors you can over work them pretty easily so you have to be more precise with every stroke.

Number Fify is also a watercolor. 9" x 12" on 140 lb. I think I am getting better at both the medium, and painting landscapes. (Can you tell I like this one?)

Monday, August 30, 2010

49 - The Falls

Watercolor on 9" x 12" 140lb paper...

I used masking fluid...lots of masking fluid. And worked in small areas from light to dark. With lots and lots of layers. I like the results much better than without using masking fluid and trying to save the whites on my own. Did have small trouble with the paper tareing in spots, but I don't think it is too noticable.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

48- The Rock

Yes, another waterscape watercolor. Out of the same book as the others. I am pretty happy with my rock and even my tiny little water...not so much...More practice to come. An advantage watercolor has over oils is they dry quickly so you can do many more paintings than oils... The largest downfall I have found so far, is I haven't found a way to get the whites back once I've lost them...