Wednesday, December 2, 2009

22nd Painting - The light

Landscapes have not been my thing. I like them. Love them even, but I've not done a much with them except as a backdrop for something else. Number 22 changes this. I love it. Love the way the light shines through the trees. It's also a larger one, so that was new too. I've already started another one simular to it. This is one of the many numberous times I wish I took better photos. It, like most of the others look so much better in person.

Riley Days Awards !!!

So I ended up entering 4 paintings this year. Mostly because I couldn'ts decide which one to enter....

I ended up entering #15 (chipmunk), #19 (portrait for the daughterinlaw), #20 (butterfly) and of course #21 (what a view - for the theme of the contest).

So the chipmunk, the earliest work in the bunch, won 1st place and the portrait (#19) won honorable mention.

21st Painting - What a view

Once a year the country seat holds a festival to celbrate the life of James Whitcom Riley. He was a famous not only hoosier poet, but from Greenfield, the county seat. During this yearly festival they hold an art show/contest. (If you've read my posts from last year, you've seen I entered two last year and one 3rd and honerable mention. ) There is a theme each year and they all come from titles of poems that Riley wrote. This year's theme was " from a balloon". The theme is how I came up with this painting.

Reference photo:

And the painting:

20th Painting Butterfly on Coneflower

Ok, I know, months without an update and now 2 in one day, all I can say is I was busy painting... Priorities an all...

My 20th painting is one that I just had to paint. I love butterflies . I love flowers. This reference photo had both. (My thanks to whoever posted it in the wetcanvas reference library)

It's not a large painting, but it still took a bit of time. I was striving for a translucent looks to the wings. I'm not sure I accomplished it, but I do like it a lot anyway.

8" x 10"

19th Painting

The only thing my daughter-in-law asked for for her birthday is a family photo be painted.

This is the result.

It took several months but she is very happy with the result and so am I.