Saturday, January 23, 2010

27th Painting - Montebello Quebec

Another from the landscapes monthly challenge featuring snow. Since it didn't have another naked tree, it was much easier form me. I am pretty happy with the painting in general. And it doesnt hurt it was painted pretty quickly (for me), only taking about a week including drying time.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

26th Painting - "Ghost of Trees Past"

"Ghost of Trees Past" is my first snow painting, as well as, my first naked tree (tree with no leaves). This was so much harder than I anticipated I can not tell you!

The Wetcanvas' landscape section has a monthly challenge to paint with different reference pictures. It is really interesting to see how everyone paints the same scene so differently. I finished the painting this morning... it was from the December challenge. That right there should give you a hint as to why the painting is named what it is.

25th Painting

Ok, when I finished this one, I finally hit 1/4 of the way to the 100 paintings! Yeah! It really is an accomplishment for me since #1 - I painting very slowly, #2 - I paint with oils so it takes a while to move on to the next layer since I have to wait for paint to dry, #3 - my life is just crazy lately and I seam to have even less time to paint. Really, I have been "retired" for 5 years, wouldnt you think I would have more time to myself? More than a maybe a couple of hours a week?

Grumbleings are done now.

This is the 2nd in the "light" series. I'll still do more I am sure. This one has a bit more color and the trees are better, but I still do NOT like my trees... practice makes purfect so I'll do more.

24th Painting - Frosty Boy

Frosty Boy is a local legend. The communitee counts down the days till Spring watching the sign for the "opening ..." After its opened for the season the sign of summer says " ice cream ..." The sign also heralds in the fall season when the sign changes yet again to " closing..." and on to winter with the signage posts as " closed for the season".

The teenagers go "hangout" at Frosty Boy, the adults meet up at Frosty Boy and the elderly give directions with "just past Frosty Boy" in there somewhere.

So when our plein air group decided to paint in my home town, I knew exactly what I wanted to paint! Most of the group (not from there) thought I was crazy when I insisted that although yes, there were tons of great old buildings and landmarks in New Palestine, this was the most famous, and should be painted. Mostly the group conceded and joined me in painting this wonderful place.

It was a beautiful early fall day and we painted well into the afternoon. Usually our plein air group goes virtually unnoticed, not when we were painting Frosty Boy. I think everyone who walked, biked, or drove by us stopped, looked and commented. Adding more and more stories about Frosty Boy. I believe by the end of the day the rest of the plein air group understood why I felt this one was so important to paint.

Btw, incase you noticed the background, in November, a local gallery showed all of the plein air group's paintings in a month long show. It was pretty cool my first show of sorts.

23rd Painting - Thanksgiving-ish

The plein air group I paint with did an inside painting session because the outside weather was not great the last day we were to paint out for 2009 (November). Some of the members brought in some items for a still life and we set up to paint. The only drape we had available was a purple cloth. This was very striking against the bright orange pumpkins. I just couldn't live with it, so I changed the color to a greenish color.