I am generally a shy person. Not outgoing like most of the artists I meet. So it took a lot to get myself convinced to enter my first state wide art show. I entered my last 3 paintings. They were accepted and I rejoiced. Then the nerves hit and for the next few days I was a nervous wreck.
I delivered the paintings at the appointed time and place. So many very nice paintings I felt honored to be accepted at all.
The next night was my first artists reception. I had no clue what to expect. I didn't expect to be told rudely at the door "This is a private party." and be looked up and down like I was street trash. I explained I was invited, an artist, and she let me pass to the next woman. This second woman was handing out name tags. I smiled and said hello and patiently waited. She said hello, no smile and looked away. I waited a few more seconds (which felt like an eternity) and then walked away.
Next I walked into the display area to find my paintings and look at the other paintings. Some of the paintings were outstanding, some were not very good at all. As I looked for my own paintings, I didn't agree with some of the ribbon places, but did agree with others, so it was about the same as any other show I'd been to in that respect. I kept walking and looking. Then looking some more. I'd been around the whole room and couldn't find my paintings. Confusion overcame me, but I continued to look. Finally found one. It was on a narrow wall that you had to go around to look at the regular display area and it was over my head. I looked some more and found my others similarly placed.
I spent some time looking and no-one Else's paintings were hung this way. The whole thing was overwhelming to me and I left after less than an hour. I don't understand why I was treated this way. Maybe because I haven't entered this event before I was considered an outsider and not welcome. I know I was not welcomed. The event was held at the gallery I am represented at, even though I don't spend time with any of the other artists, I don't think I should have been a total outsider.
I felt (and feel) very disappointed and sad. I've never been treated this way before and I pray that I've never treated anyone like this.
On my ride home I pondered the event and debated weather or not I should enter another show. I'm not sure I will. If this is how I'll be treated I don't think so, and I'm not sure I'm up to finding out. It was entirely too hard on me.